
NEALS launches program for new professionals and new programs

Through the efforts of NEALS board members Rebecca Peterson, Laura Vantine, and Kara Ashley, NEALS is launching a new professionals mentoring program which will begin at the fall meeting. In addition to giving new professionals a place to meet and commiserate with colleagues who are embarking on the same journey, participants will be linked in to a mentoring network. NEALS was born of a need to connect with our colleagues in peer schools to share information, practices, and support in a field that is emergent and varied. Today, a new group of learning specialists and program directors are coming together, insuring NEALS's legacy as a network that supports and nurtures learning specialists and their programs.

In addition to the new professionals program, the fall meeting will focus on issues of documentation and accommodation and tools for improving our programs every day.

New Programs, New Professionals (2 hours, morning session)
Are you a new learning specialist or working in a new academic support program? This group will allow you to connect with people “in the same boat” and receive support from people who have been where you are today. The format for this workshop will be shaped by you. Please send questions or topic requests to Kara Ashley at Fay School: kashley@fayschool.org.

Tools of the Trade (1 hour, afternoon session)
Do you have a new or tried and true system that has makes your program run smoothly? Do you have new software or other equipment that you want to share? This session, which is an extension of our spring meeting, will allow you to share your successful systems and tools with your colleagues (please bring copies and examples as you are able).

Confidentiality, Documentation, and Accommodation (1 hour, afternoon session)
This group will explore how we “get the word out” regarding our students’ individual needs while maintaining confidentiality. Please bring a template of your in-house learning plan and copies of formal written material (e.g. handbooks) that address your school’s policy on accommodation and documentation.