
NEALS Launches National Research Study of Academic Support Programs and Learning Specialists in Independent Schools

For the past eight years, NEALS has been working to bring together professionals from a variety of backgrounds and schools by providing continuing education and networking opportunities. This fall, NEALS held it's first meeting for new professionals and new programs at the place where we had our very first gathering, Hotchkiss School.

As the NEALS network has grown, so has the need to gather information about our profession by investigating the many ways we administer services within the context of our school communities. I am writing to you today with the hope that you will join us in the largest study of learning specialists learning centers, and academic support programs to date.

All NEALS members and professionals in good standing at independent schools in the northeast are encouraged to contribute information. Please contact Kara Ashley (contact information below) if you would like to paricipate. The survey has been created so that all responses are anonymous. The first section of the survey is designed to tell us about your role within your school community. The second and third sections ask questions about the schools and programs in which we work. The final sections are dedicated to school culture and optional open response questions. The survey has been designed to be brief and most participants are able to complete the survey in ten to fifteen minutes. There is one question related to admission data that asks for the percentage of applicants who eventually enroll in your school that may require a quick call to your admissions office before participants begin.

On February 14th and 15th, friends of NEALS, were asked to participate in the first stage of data collection with preliminary findings to be presented at the spring meeting. An open forum on the survey is open on our main survey page (click here).

This survey is the product of countless hours of discussion with NEALS colleagues and the special efforts of the following individuals: Rebecca Peterson of Stoneleigh Burnham School, Amy Good of Lawrence Academy, Matthew Treat of Salisbury School, Sarah Ackley of Dana Hall School, Kim Kastler of Worcester Academy, Joanne Hayhurst of Hotchkiss School, Marcia Rammuni of Salisbury School, Laura Vantine of Noble and Greenough School, Marcia King of Hebron Academy, Gretchen Larkin of Fay School, and Barbara Kenefick of Berkshire School.

To participate in the survey now, please click here.

Kara Ashley
President, Northeast Association of Learning Specialists
Director, Fay School Learning Center, Fay Summer Institute

Please check our website for updates about the survey and the spring meeting.
