
Please join us for our Spring Meeting!

Unpacking Assumptions
Working toward better understandings of and relationships with parents of learning disabled children in private school communities.
Presented by Katherine H. Scott, Ed.D
May 8, 2007
Lawrence Academy Groton, MA

Dr. Kate Scott has been working in the field of learning disabilities for twenty-five years. She has been a teacher, an educational therapist, a clinician, and a researcher. She has worked in schools, hospital clinics, and in private practice. Kate completed her doctorate in developmental psychology at the Harvard Graduate School of Education where the focus of her research was on better understanding how parents of learning disabled children make sense of their parenting experiences, and how these parents might be better supported within school communities. Currently, Kate has a private practice in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Schedule for the Day

8:30-9 Registration and Coffee

9-10 Discussion of NEALS Survey and 2007-2009 Executive Board Elections.

10-12 “Unpacking Assumptions--Part one 12-12:45

Affinity Lunch Meetings and Lunch group for New Professionsals, New Programs- follow-up with your colleagues and group from Fall Meeting as you reflect on your experiences this year.

12:45-1:45 “Unpacking Assumptions”--Part two 1:45-2:00 Closing Notes To register, please contact Amy Good at: agood@lacademy.edu. The cost for the day is $20 for Members or $50 (includes NEALS membership) for Non-members.

Registration is limited to 100 participants, so register soon!

Travel and lodging information is posted on the Spring Meeting Page

All attendees are asked to participate in the NEALS Learning Specialists survey by May 1st.

Click here to proceed to the survey