
A letter from our President

Dear Colleagues,

I hope that this letter finds you well, that everyone has had a restful and relaxing summer, and that your school years are all off to a terrific start.

I am enormously excited to be starting my two-year term as the President of NEALS, inheriting a strong and vibrant organization from Kara Ashley of Fay School. Joining me on the executive board are five experienced professionals who bring to us a wealth of expertise from their years in primary, middle, and secondary schools; elsewhere in this mailing you’ll find a listing of board members, their roles, and their contact information.

This fall mailing will serve several purposes. First, we’ve included the fall membership renewal forms. NEALS memberships are individual and run for one academic year regardless of the date membership commenced; anyone who renews their membership this fall will be in good standing for the 2007-8 academic year. If you have a colleague or colleagues who would also like to join NEALS, please feel free to copy the enclosed membership forms and pass them along.

Membership fees for the 2007-8 academic year are $50 for full members, and $75 for adjunct members. A full member is any employee of an independent school who provides or oversees academic support services (learning specialist, academic dean, tutor, director of studies, etc). An adjunct member is an individual who works with students with learning disabilities outside of the independent school setting. Educational consultants, psychologists, independent reading specialists or other independent service providers would be examples of adjunct members.

Second, as our membership continues to grow, we’ve decided this year to begin an official directory of NEALS membership. Listing in the directory is strictly voluntary – if you’d prefer not to be listed, please indicate that on your membership form – and directories will only be available to NEALS members. This directory will allow increased communication between members outside of conferences, and we hope that this will help you to keep conversations with colleagues going in the months between meetings! To assist us in generating the directory for the fall conference, please return membership materials to Marcia Ramunni by October 20th.

Lastly, registration materials for our fall conference are included. On October 30th, we’ll be traveling to western Massachusetts to Northfield-Mount Hermon School for “How Do You Handle It?” My favorite part of any NEALS meeting is the chance to strategize with colleagues about best practices in serving our students; this fall, participants will be meeting in small groups to work with the profile of a sample student and to learn new techniques from one another. This format for our fall meeting should be a wonderful chance for us to spend time talking with and learning from our colleagues.

Best wishes to all, and we hope to see you at the end of the month!

Rebecca Plona Peterson
President, Northeast Association of Learning Specialists

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