
NEALS Announces New Board Members

Northeast Association of Learning Specialists
Executive Board

Rebecca Plona Peterson, President
Rebecca has been a member of NEALS since 2003, previously serving as Program Director. She is currently the Director of the Learning Center at Stoneleigh-Burnham School. Rebecca provides leadership and general oversight for NEALS, and can be reached at 413-774-2711 or rpeterson@sbschool.org

Gretchen Larkin, Program Director
Gretchen is a newcomer to NEALS, and brings great energy to her job as Program Director. A longtime special educator, she currently works as a reading specialist at Fay School. Gretchen supervises programming for members and takes the primary role in conference planning; she can be reached at glarkin@fayschool.org or 508-485-0100.

Marcia Ramunni, Secretary/Treasurer
Marcia is currently serving her second term on the Executive Board, having spent the previous two years sharing her substantial job with Marcia King of Hebron Academy. Marcia is a learning specialist at Salisbury School; her role on the Executive Board is to keep records of meetings and maintain the organization’s finances. Marcia’s e-mail address is mramunni@salisburyschool.org and her phone number is 860-435-5700.

Lee Hughes, Membership Director
Lee directs the Academic Skills Center at Gould Academy and has been a member of NEALS for several years. Her primary responsibility on the Executive Board is to maintain accurate accounting of members. Please contact Lee at lee.hughes@gouldacademy.org or 207-824-7700 with any questions about your membership status, or changes to your contact information or school affiliation.

Denise Elliott, Public Relations Director
Denise is also new to NEALS and the Executive Board; she joins us from Pike School where she serves as the Director of Learning Services. Denise spearheads communication with members and the larger independent school community; please contact her at delliott@pikeschool.org or 978-475-1197.

Kara Ashley, Director of Special Projects
Kara is one of the founding members of NEALS; she served as the organization’s first Program Director and has recently completed a two-year term as President. She directs the Learning Center at Fay School. Kara currently maintains our online community, located at www.learningspecialists.blogspot.com and continues to work on a comprehensive study of the role of learning specialists in independent schools. Kara can be contacted at kashley@fayschool.org or 508-485-0100.

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